Sunday, March 22, 2009

Various things

To a certain extent I'm proud of myself, as I recently reported a suspicious item. I was happily looking for a seat in Techno Edge, and when I found one, I saw a white envelope on the chair of the table beside mine. It was an A4 size envelope, rather bloated. No one was seated there, but it had a name and address on it. At this point of time, I'm sure almost 99% of people would ignore it and continue with their own business. I was partly part of the 99%, so i continued with my food. Then it came to me, "What if it's a bomb?" Then a series of images floated to my mind depicting the scenes of explosions and shouting and my head somewhere away from my body. LOL ok not that gross, but you get the point.
Hence I whipped out my handphone and phoned the Campus security (I just knew taking down their number would be of some use), told them the situation, and the guy said that his colleague would be coming down to check (clever guy who picked up the phone). His guy came down, bravely picked up the parcel and examined it, even squeezing it. And guess what? Of course it wasn't a bomb, if not I wouldn't be typing this lengthy passage.
Before I called them, I knew it wasn't a bomb. I knew someone must have left it behind. However, I still called them. As I know if the situation was what I thought it was, the most the guy will get some exercise by walking there and pick up the lost and found item. But what if I was wrong? The results will be drastically different.
"Better to be safe than sorry" - This can never go wrong.

Secondly, I hate myself for being so plan-less, and doing things without thinking much of the consequence. Today would be so much productive if I had set off later. Doing so would also let gal have more rest. In the end I wasted my time loitering in the neighbourhood, while she had to wake up and tidy up the place.
I'll never go to her place before she wakes up ever again, and more importantly, will do things with a good plan in hand.
Lastly but most importantly, R.I.P Fluffy (Gal's hamster). You'll be missed.

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