Saturday, March 7, 2009


Kids are a tough crowd. Needed more skills on audience control, and more routines for doing mini-stage like performances like this. Arm twisting exercise went reasonably well, reactions for tt with silk was probably the best. Cardtoon onwards, as they're mostly close up stuff, started to lose some attention. Same for the disney cards. Gave lots of them out also, not sure it's still for sale.. Sponge balls was still ok.. Its just that each routine is too short, same for the other tricks.. Did some card tricks to fill the time, went ok. Overall it was alright, can be better, just hoped i could do more to make the fee i received more worth for its value.
Was exchanging messages with a youtuber, who is a professional magician in the states (I think) and here's what I told him.

"Just today I went for my very first paid gig, for a group of kids. The plan was to keep the kids entertained for one hour as part of the hosts' birthday celebration for their daughters. I practiced my stuff, thought I was ready. A bunch of 7-9 year olds couldn't be anything close to harmful right, I thought to myself. I went there and was proven wrong. Audience control techniques was terrible, tricks weren't done well, routines went faster than expected and had nothing much to perform near the end. It was so bad that I even felt guilty taking the payment after I was done.

I belong to the group that you have mentioned, doing tricks for family and friends and think I'm good. Truth is, I'm far from it. Even previous experiences from busking in the streets with a group of magicians didn't quite prepare me for this. Family, friends, street busking, for all these performances, one can easily stop performing or walk away, go to another group, or let other magician peers take over. You'll probably not see those strangers anymore later in your life, so even if you did make a mistake in presentation it's fine. Being hired for a show is entirely different. it's like you are the only one there, and you have to perform non-stop for a specified duration! "

This performance struck me how much more I need to improve before I can go into accepting paid performance. Good experience though, will remember it for life.

After the performance, went for RT. Working out with muscles still sore from the last training is a killer. Extremely tired now. Think I should be going to bed now. Nite!

Gal I love you! =)

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