Saturday, March 7, 2009

Paid gig.

YAY! I've finally gotten my first official paid performance! I'll be doing an hour of magic for a party of kids, should be a birthday party. Location is at a condo in Kovan, and to think about it, I have not checked out the directions to go there. Ok I'll do that now. .. ... Ooo, just beside the Kovan mrt. =)

Things that I'll do are: Twisting arm exercise, silk using TT, disney cards, cardtoons, rubber bands, factory sealed (if angles are good), simple coins and some levitation. Hope they'll all work out well. Tried to not include any card tricks, since I will hate to be accused by the kids' parents of teaching their kids the wrong things i.e. gambling. Cards that I'll be using are all non-gambling ones, and are very cute and suitable for kids. Don't sue me dear parents. =(

Not sure if I can any video footage for this trip, since I'll be going there alone. So probably not. But it'll certainly be a memorable experience for me, as the first ever solo performance to earn me some decent money. Thanks Reuben for the intro, and also for Jason for not being able to make it, hence giving me the chance to be the replacement. Haha.

Tomorrow will be a busy and tiring day, have to do RT after the performance. But I foresee it to be one of the most fulfilling one lately.

Ok, other than this update, something else on the sunbird. The babies are gone already! Both flew away and surviving (I hope). But before one of them could take it's maiden flight, it had trouble learning how to do so, and was stuck in our balcony.

Also went to my uncle's place and visited their dog, Adam! Very cute and active dog. It was originally from my cousin's place. Adam and its wife gave birth to 3 pups, and due to its perpetual eagerness to have some loving time with its mate, when it's very frail and tired, my cousin was forced send it away. Didn't really go well at my uncle place for the first 1/2 days, as it was whining most of the time, probably missing its family. But now it seem very happy living there and that's good to see. =) Here's a pic of Adam.

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