Thursday, March 19, 2009

Muscles degenerating?

Results for IPPT: FAIL.

Sit ups and shutter run cleared as per normal. SBJ failed as per normal. 2.4km run barely made the mark, but it's improving. The one thing that surprised me was that I could no longer do any Chin-ups. I wouldn't be that surprised if I all along have been a 'zero-fighter'. However, before I started the present RT training, doing the minimum of 6 was no problem at all. But since I attended a session that required me to do 'Eccentric Pull ups'- coming down slowly after pulling myself up the bar, my arm muscles had been aching and strength-less, even till now. People told me that my muscles are recovering, and need time to rest. But isn't it taking a bit too long? Hopefully my strength comes back to me soon.

Something sad happened to my friend Hui Jie, who cleared the static stations with flying colours, like 4 stations with 19 points. (WTF? *envy*), but didn't managed to clear 2.4km by just ONE second. That's a very unfortunate thing. Hope he'll get over it soon. Well, to some extent I'm not complaining, as that means I have a companion for the next few training in phase 2. Oh crap, phase 2. 3 times a week, how can I take it man. =(

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