Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Feeling relatively emo today. Doesn't seem to be able to know what she wants, likes or dislikes. Been together so long, but why is this still so. Too long have I gotten it wrong, and the feeling is not good. When will I ever get it right?

About recent activities, went to Earth hour at Marina Square. Could be because we didn't participate in the right activites, as it didn't turn out to be what I imagined it'll be. I pictured a day of outdoor fun, enjoying the performances put up by the organisers, a little romantic as well perhaps. But somehow it was received to be nothing more than just a hot, sticky and unbearable place to be at. Maybe going to the town to see the shopping malls go lights out will be better, or even campus activities.

Many things going in my head now. Assignments, projects, revision, RT, surviving financially, planning tuition lessons. Things I'll be doing in the ideal world- preparing for IA/ SEP, having a stable income from tuition assignments, not worrying about exams and datelines, knowing everything my gal wants. I yearn for a better life. Don't see it coming soon.

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