Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Feeling relatively emo today. Doesn't seem to be able to know what she wants, likes or dislikes. Been together so long, but why is this still so. Too long have I gotten it wrong, and the feeling is not good. When will I ever get it right?

About recent activities, went to Earth hour at Marina Square. Could be because we didn't participate in the right activites, as it didn't turn out to be what I imagined it'll be. I pictured a day of outdoor fun, enjoying the performances put up by the organisers, a little romantic as well perhaps. But somehow it was received to be nothing more than just a hot, sticky and unbearable place to be at. Maybe going to the town to see the shopping malls go lights out will be better, or even campus activities.

Many things going in my head now. Assignments, projects, revision, RT, surviving financially, planning tuition lessons. Things I'll be doing in the ideal world- preparing for IA/ SEP, having a stable income from tuition assignments, not worrying about exams and datelines, knowing everything my gal wants. I yearn for a better life. Don't see it coming soon.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Various things

To a certain extent I'm proud of myself, as I recently reported a suspicious item. I was happily looking for a seat in Techno Edge, and when I found one, I saw a white envelope on the chair of the table beside mine. It was an A4 size envelope, rather bloated. No one was seated there, but it had a name and address on it. At this point of time, I'm sure almost 99% of people would ignore it and continue with their own business. I was partly part of the 99%, so i continued with my food. Then it came to me, "What if it's a bomb?" Then a series of images floated to my mind depicting the scenes of explosions and shouting and my head somewhere away from my body. LOL ok not that gross, but you get the point.
Hence I whipped out my handphone and phoned the Campus security (I just knew taking down their number would be of some use), told them the situation, and the guy said that his colleague would be coming down to check (clever guy who picked up the phone). His guy came down, bravely picked up the parcel and examined it, even squeezing it. And guess what? Of course it wasn't a bomb, if not I wouldn't be typing this lengthy passage.
Before I called them, I knew it wasn't a bomb. I knew someone must have left it behind. However, I still called them. As I know if the situation was what I thought it was, the most the guy will get some exercise by walking there and pick up the lost and found item. But what if I was wrong? The results will be drastically different.
"Better to be safe than sorry" - This can never go wrong.

Secondly, I hate myself for being so plan-less, and doing things without thinking much of the consequence. Today would be so much productive if I had set off later. Doing so would also let gal have more rest. In the end I wasted my time loitering in the neighbourhood, while she had to wake up and tidy up the place.
I'll never go to her place before she wakes up ever again, and more importantly, will do things with a good plan in hand.
Lastly but most importantly, R.I.P Fluffy (Gal's hamster). You'll be missed.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Muscles degenerating?

Results for IPPT: FAIL.

Sit ups and shutter run cleared as per normal. SBJ failed as per normal. 2.4km run barely made the mark, but it's improving. The one thing that surprised me was that I could no longer do any Chin-ups. I wouldn't be that surprised if I all along have been a 'zero-fighter'. However, before I started the present RT training, doing the minimum of 6 was no problem at all. But since I attended a session that required me to do 'Eccentric Pull ups'- coming down slowly after pulling myself up the bar, my arm muscles had been aching and strength-less, even till now. People told me that my muscles are recovering, and need time to rest. But isn't it taking a bit too long? Hopefully my strength comes back to me soon.

Something sad happened to my friend Hui Jie, who cleared the static stations with flying colours, like 4 stations with 19 points. (WTF? *envy*), but didn't managed to clear 2.4km by just ONE second. That's a very unfortunate thing. Hope he'll get over it soon. Well, to some extent I'm not complaining, as that means I have a companion for the next few training in phase 2. Oh crap, phase 2. 3 times a week, how can I take it man. =(

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Taking a break.

1. ESE2001 test.
2. IPPT.
Hope I can clear the IPPT, if not phase 2 of RT will be really nasty.
Working on something..

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

ESE2401 Test tomorrow!

Test tomorrow and it's in the morning! Cannot oversleep this time! Roar!
Test tomorrow and I'm still blogging! Can't help but find ways to slack! Roar!

Managed to do up a video about clip shift on Utube last night. It has been a long time since I recorded and uploaded anything on magic over there. Seeing it again now, find the movement a little awkward. Will see if it can be improved in time to come. You can watch the video here:


Broke my glasses last night while trying to cleaning it. (I think I may have some sub-conscious mega strength.) So here's how I look now.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Adam is a divine dog..

..because the 4 numbers i got him to pick from 10 tennis balls that we number 0-9 opened in today's 4D! Though it's shoot from behind to front, it's still quite amazing. If I had bet I-Bet, I would have won some small money. But too bad, I did not. Haha.

Ok, Melacca trip. An ok trip, walked the jonker street, the shopping mall, ate nonya lunch. The most important discovery of this trip is.... .... a RM3.00 svengali deck. Which is about S$1.26. Here're some pictures of it:

Yes, it's a pirated copy. Its instructions are also hilarous as they're filled with grammatical errors. =D

Function wise, it's pretty good. Works well for the tricks that uses this deck. Exceeded my expectation in this acpect. Initally I bought this deck, with it being an manipulation deck in mind (after seeing its "Card For Juggle" name), like for cards back palming, stage act etc. Didn't think that it'll be a Sven. Cool.

Also bought a normal deck, but it's really shitty. Forget abt it.

Will probably rest soon, after doing some work.

Gal, sleep well ya. I'm open for ranting tomorrow. Got some gifts for u too.. =)

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Kids are a tough crowd. Needed more skills on audience control, and more routines for doing mini-stage like performances like this. Arm twisting exercise went reasonably well, reactions for tt with silk was probably the best. Cardtoon onwards, as they're mostly close up stuff, started to lose some attention. Same for the disney cards. Gave lots of them out also, not sure it's still for sale.. Sponge balls was still ok.. Its just that each routine is too short, same for the other tricks.. Did some card tricks to fill the time, went ok. Overall it was alright, can be better, just hoped i could do more to make the fee i received more worth for its value.
Was exchanging messages with a youtuber, who is a professional magician in the states (I think) and here's what I told him.

"Just today I went for my very first paid gig, for a group of kids. The plan was to keep the kids entertained for one hour as part of the hosts' birthday celebration for their daughters. I practiced my stuff, thought I was ready. A bunch of 7-9 year olds couldn't be anything close to harmful right, I thought to myself. I went there and was proven wrong. Audience control techniques was terrible, tricks weren't done well, routines went faster than expected and had nothing much to perform near the end. It was so bad that I even felt guilty taking the payment after I was done.

I belong to the group that you have mentioned, doing tricks for family and friends and think I'm good. Truth is, I'm far from it. Even previous experiences from busking in the streets with a group of magicians didn't quite prepare me for this. Family, friends, street busking, for all these performances, one can easily stop performing or walk away, go to another group, or let other magician peers take over. You'll probably not see those strangers anymore later in your life, so even if you did make a mistake in presentation it's fine. Being hired for a show is entirely different. it's like you are the only one there, and you have to perform non-stop for a specified duration! "

This performance struck me how much more I need to improve before I can go into accepting paid performance. Good experience though, will remember it for life.

After the performance, went for RT. Working out with muscles still sore from the last training is a killer. Extremely tired now. Think I should be going to bed now. Nite!

Gal I love you! =)

Paid gig.

YAY! I've finally gotten my first official paid performance! I'll be doing an hour of magic for a party of kids, should be a birthday party. Location is at a condo in Kovan, and to think about it, I have not checked out the directions to go there. Ok I'll do that now. .. ... Ooo, just beside the Kovan mrt. =)

Things that I'll do are: Twisting arm exercise, silk using TT, disney cards, cardtoons, rubber bands, factory sealed (if angles are good), simple coins and some levitation. Hope they'll all work out well. Tried to not include any card tricks, since I will hate to be accused by the kids' parents of teaching their kids the wrong things i.e. gambling. Cards that I'll be using are all non-gambling ones, and are very cute and suitable for kids. Don't sue me dear parents. =(

Not sure if I can any video footage for this trip, since I'll be going there alone. So probably not. But it'll certainly be a memorable experience for me, as the first ever solo performance to earn me some decent money. Thanks Reuben for the intro, and also for Jason for not being able to make it, hence giving me the chance to be the replacement. Haha.

Tomorrow will be a busy and tiring day, have to do RT after the performance. But I foresee it to be one of the most fulfilling one lately.

Ok, other than this update, something else on the sunbird. The babies are gone already! Both flew away and surviving (I hope). But before one of them could take it's maiden flight, it had trouble learning how to do so, and was stuck in our balcony.

Also went to my uncle's place and visited their dog, Adam! Very cute and active dog. It was originally from my cousin's place. Adam and its wife gave birth to 3 pups, and due to its perpetual eagerness to have some loving time with its mate, when it's very frail and tired, my cousin was forced send it away. Didn't really go well at my uncle place for the first 1/2 days, as it was whining most of the time, probably missing its family. But now it seem very happy living there and that's good to see. =) Here's a pic of Adam.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tired for a good reason.

RT is really tiring. Exercises are demanding, and really do work out my core muscles. Which is good, since it has been a long time since I did any proper exercises. Hopefully next training will have more running.

Saw a beautiful rainbow just like yesterday or something. Such big rainbows have been sighted often these days in Singapore. Hope they'll appear more often! =)

Saw something interesting while I was heading for dinner after today's RT. A rather hilarious signboard. Looks like something a loanshark would write. =.=

It reads: "Sure? So cheap?"

Going to Melacca this coming sunday, under a tour my mum is organising. Something like a one-day tour. Can foresee myself having to help her take care of her participants, so much so that enjoying the trip should be rather impossible.

Ok, time to do some assignments!

Sunday, March 1, 2009



Can imagine myself having aches all over tomorrow. And the day after, and probably even the following day.

RT today was so shiong. Maybe it wasn't that shiong for others, but for me it was a killer. Totally wacked my long slacken muscles. How wish the state of my body can return to the BMT stage, where I'm still relatively fit. Oh well, that is everyone's wish isn't it?

School reopening tomorrow. Can't say I'm all ready for it. Some more mugging later tonight to catch up would be needed. Hopefully all the datelines and tests wouldn't break my aching bones.

Gal still in the expensive and creepy hair stylist salon doing her hair. Can't wait to see you new look!

P.S. Curse that GST credit admin staff for not processing my payment quick enough. Hmmf.