Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Celebration 2009

Today we went to the Khatib's Bottle Tree for prawn fishing. Guess how many I managed to catch? ZERO. And gal managed to get 2.
I dun think it's the lack of sufficient number of prawns in the enclosure, as there are some people who keep tio prawns. It's the bait that we use. Probably using worms would be better, or just something different from the dunno what chicken liver that they give, since the prawns would have long gotten sick of those.
It's $14.50 per hour, and i think $29 for 2.5 hours. Some better rates for midnight prawn fishing as well.
We then went to Kallang Leisure Park(KLP) for a movie. The FilmGarde in KLP is the only one in S'pore. Its theatre are new, clean, and cozy. Nice video quality, and i think all seats allow the centre armrest to be pushed up. (Good for couples.) We watched Curious case of Benjamin Button. It's an EXTREMELY long show (almost 3 hours), nevertheless it was quite touching, and also funny at times.
Somehow didn't get to take much pictures for this trip. Sad =(

Anyway gal, thanks again for the company and the nice gifts. Everything gonna be alright. *hugZ*

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