Thursday, February 12, 2009

First post!

Cliche title, but that's how it goes!

Hi everyone, my name is Desmond. Thought of listing down my particulars here but I think there'll be a space in the other columns for that.

Anyway, lets talk about why I decided to make another blog. Yes, another one. The first one isn't really presentable and it's mainly filled with trash and mindless ranting, so I'll leave it out of the picture for now. So why this blog? Why create a blog near midnight with tons of project datelines creeping closer each second and with many other assignments that I can do instead? Why spend time writing something that probably no one will see? (actually thats how my first blog turned out, as I didn't publicise it much, which is normal since it's a self-ranting blog, oh whatever.)

The REASON is... ... I realise that I'm too lonely. Friends (not those hi-bye ones) made during the current University time can be counted with 2 hands. Close friends? Not really anyone.
And the reason for this sad fact is that I can't really sustain a proper conversation for any decent amount of time. I'm boring. It's a fact and I will not hide it. Somehow conversational topics don't just come to my mind as quickly as they would for other people. To make matters worse, I often stutter while talking- a bad habit that, despite strong efforts to correct, has followed me for a number of years.

So since I can't really talk very well, I thought of using this page to convey my inner thoughts to anyone interested. The fact is I really really REALLY hope to make more friends now. Seeing my ESE class and how everyone has their own clique is really something that I envy. Hopefully things will get better as time goes by.

Guess that's all for now?
Catch y'all later.

Btw, gal, if you're reading this, Hi! Love you! =)


  1. Hi Desmond! Congratulations for your blog and for yours cools V-Day cards!!
    Sorry for my very bad (I`m Argentine). Good luck for make more friends (virtuals or personals)and good communications!
    Take care, greetings.-

  2. i am quite similar to u coz i dun have any clique in ese nor in nus. i think it's too tired to be sociable. sigh

    Wan Sin
