Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Operation [Sunbird]

For a long time, our balcony has been a landlord to generations after generations of Sunbirds. They will come and make a nest under our shelter, using a branch of a big plant as the support. Sometimes they'll use the nest of the previous batch of birds and just patch up a little.

Recently a couple came and made use of a existing vacant nest. Soon after we can hear soft chirping sounds coming from the nest even when the adult birds were not in.

Today I woke up hearing some chirpings. Initially I thought they sounded pretty much the same, like every other day. But after a while, I soon realised that it was different. It was more like a constant rate of chirping, something that I remembered hearing last time, when a baby bird dropped out of its nest and landed on a pillow that we placed under the nest.

I went out and was proven right.

There were like a total of 6-8 attempts to put it back into the nest, twice it pooped on my hand. Initially it keep coming out as it wasn't in the nest deep enough, and when it struggled to get food from the parents, it'll just drop out. Well for now it's still in there, hopefully it'll stay that way.

Here's a pic of the unlucky bird together with it's sibling happily in the nest:

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