Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Recess Week

A break is finally coming!

This semester isn't as packed as a few of the previous ones, as the timetable isn't filled with lessons everyday. However, somehow it's still not easy to follow the syllabus. So the break will give me a good time to do so.

RT was supposed to start this coming sunday, but was informed that it'll be cancelled due to the camp's maintainance schedule. So it bought me another day of rest! Many see RT as a bad thing, sure it's troublesome to go to camp for exercise twice/ thrice a week. But for people like me, who exercise quite little, I guess it'll be a good thing. Passing IPPT would be great, though being able to clear Standing board jump isn't something I see myself doing even after the RT. Just being more fit will do.

Friday's meeting with gal changed to next monday= more time to meet up! =)

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