Friday, February 27, 2009


Today managed to meet up my Ebay buyer and completed the transaction. Sold my Guardians deck, Black Ghost deck and the Shadow Masters Deck. As only the guardians is unopened, I priced the other 2 at a lower cost, and sold them only at $30 in total. A bit heartache, but since they're sold, they're sold. Don't think I'll ever open that Guardians deck, so selling it was ok. Black Ghost, didn't like it much ever since I bought it, so also ok. But my Shadow Masters.. one of the best deck ever created- smooth as silk, beautifully designed. Must get a one from Aunty Betty one of these days. My TNR is still unsold. hopefully someone will bid for it soon.

27th of every month is a beautiful day. Since it's so beautiful, decided to look up gal to surprise her. But end up late and it wasn't really a surprise. Wahaha. Went to the prata shop near her house and gobbled down 2 plain and 1 cheese-egg. Pretty nice, and ate till quite full.

Chewing gum from johor left the very last one. =(

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