Friday, February 27, 2009


Today managed to meet up my Ebay buyer and completed the transaction. Sold my Guardians deck, Black Ghost deck and the Shadow Masters Deck. As only the guardians is unopened, I priced the other 2 at a lower cost, and sold them only at $30 in total. A bit heartache, but since they're sold, they're sold. Don't think I'll ever open that Guardians deck, so selling it was ok. Black Ghost, didn't like it much ever since I bought it, so also ok. But my Shadow Masters.. one of the best deck ever created- smooth as silk, beautifully designed. Must get a one from Aunty Betty one of these days. My TNR is still unsold. hopefully someone will bid for it soon.

27th of every month is a beautiful day. Since it's so beautiful, decided to look up gal to surprise her. But end up late and it wasn't really a surprise. Wahaha. Went to the prata shop near her house and gobbled down 2 plain and 1 cheese-egg. Pretty nice, and ate till quite full.

Chewing gum from johor left the very last one. =(

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Operation [Sunbird]

For a long time, our balcony has been a landlord to generations after generations of Sunbirds. They will come and make a nest under our shelter, using a branch of a big plant as the support. Sometimes they'll use the nest of the previous batch of birds and just patch up a little.

Recently a couple came and made use of a existing vacant nest. Soon after we can hear soft chirping sounds coming from the nest even when the adult birds were not in.

Today I woke up hearing some chirpings. Initially I thought they sounded pretty much the same, like every other day. But after a while, I soon realised that it was different. It was more like a constant rate of chirping, something that I remembered hearing last time, when a baby bird dropped out of its nest and landed on a pillow that we placed under the nest.

I went out and was proven right.

There were like a total of 6-8 attempts to put it back into the nest, twice it pooped on my hand. Initially it keep coming out as it wasn't in the nest deep enough, and when it struggled to get food from the parents, it'll just drop out. Well for now it's still in there, hopefully it'll stay that way.

Here's a pic of the unlucky bird together with it's sibling happily in the nest:

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ebay! + S.H.E + Magic + Game

Selling some stuff on ebay, only to local buyers as i'm not sure if i can afford postage at the moment. Haha. Anyway, here's the link to my selling page:

Watched a S.H.E MV & Concert DVD today. They're as lively, bubbly and cute as always. Something I feel about Hebe is that, she seems the least like a celebrity among the three of them. Feels like someone who do not prefer extra attention, and just want less trouble. I say this because she is normally the most quiet of all, and gives me the impression that what she does is entirely for work purposes, as if she's an entirely different person while not on screen or not working. I do like her a lot as a singer and artist nevertheless. In any case, go S.H.E.! =)

As for my magic interest, I've been trying to perfect the cherry control these days, trying to get the angles right. Been also practising Kammagic's ACAAN. Very nice effect, and simple too. Wanting to perform magic soon, might be looking at doing some volunteer work at old folks home perhaps?

Started to re-play a rather mindless game that I've played many years ago, called Terran Legacy. It's like a web-based starcraft, needing you to do nothing except to click on links and see text after text after text. It's really a good time killer imo. haha.

Well i think that's it for now.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Recess Week

A break is finally coming!

This semester isn't as packed as a few of the previous ones, as the timetable isn't filled with lessons everyday. However, somehow it's still not easy to follow the syllabus. So the break will give me a good time to do so.

RT was supposed to start this coming sunday, but was informed that it'll be cancelled due to the camp's maintainance schedule. So it bought me another day of rest! Many see RT as a bad thing, sure it's troublesome to go to camp for exercise twice/ thrice a week. But for people like me, who exercise quite little, I guess it'll be a good thing. Passing IPPT would be great, though being able to clear Standing board jump isn't something I see myself doing even after the RT. Just being more fit will do.

Friday's meeting with gal changed to next monday= more time to meet up! =)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Backup your F*#king files now!

Something dramatic happened just a while ago.
Was trying to uninstall that QVOD player, which is the program needed to watch videos from, as it was all over my main folder. As i was lazy during the installation, i did not assign a specific folder for that particular program, so i saved it in my main folder. As it was installed, the sub-files were created in the main folder and that made my folder look very messy, and attempts to cut and paste them to a separate folder made the program faulty. Hence i thought of uninstalling it, and installing it in a separate folder the next time.
As it was unstalling, it started to delete the rest of my files that were in the folder. All my photos, videos and semester 2 sch stuff, all gone. Basically the whole folder was empty.
Tried to reload the backup, but i realise i had NO shadow files saved, as i did not back up using the com's backup function. Luckily i did manually saved my files in an external HD at the end of last year. So stuff for the new sem and recent photos/ videos were the victims for this time.
I'm really sad as all the precious videos I took during a recent Genting trip with gal were all gone, along with the photos taken. Gone too were the saved copies of the V-day card design, CNY photos etc.
I guess it's a good lesson, but at the same time, a really hard pill to swallow.
How wish time can be reversed, to undo my stupidity.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Celebration 2009

Today we went to the Khatib's Bottle Tree for prawn fishing. Guess how many I managed to catch? ZERO. And gal managed to get 2.
I dun think it's the lack of sufficient number of prawns in the enclosure, as there are some people who keep tio prawns. It's the bait that we use. Probably using worms would be better, or just something different from the dunno what chicken liver that they give, since the prawns would have long gotten sick of those.
It's $14.50 per hour, and i think $29 for 2.5 hours. Some better rates for midnight prawn fishing as well.
We then went to Kallang Leisure Park(KLP) for a movie. The FilmGarde in KLP is the only one in S'pore. Its theatre are new, clean, and cozy. Nice video quality, and i think all seats allow the centre armrest to be pushed up. (Good for couples.) We watched Curious case of Benjamin Button. It's an EXTREMELY long show (almost 3 hours), nevertheless it was quite touching, and also funny at times.
Somehow didn't get to take much pictures for this trip. Sad =(

Anyway gal, thanks again for the company and the nice gifts. Everything gonna be alright. *hugZ*

Friday, February 13, 2009

V-day card finalised!

Now I just have to write the card. ^^

For the activity, I've decided to bring her to Bottle Tree for some prawn fishing. Then head back my place to freshen up, either cook dinner or have it outside, then go for a movie. =)

Happy V-day to all couples out there!

Valentine's Day preparation

Ok, here's a glimpse of my gifts for my gf this saturday.

The card is 100% homemade! Designed it using photoshop. Well, being a magic lover, I've wanted to make something like this long ago. And a random sighting in someone's laptop background while attending GEM2900 inspired me further. The bear is from "Juzzz", ( Great variety of dolls and bears that're very cute.
To gal- there's a surprise about the bear, like it? =)

Incidently, the printer ran out while printing an earlier copy of the card, and I got this pleasantly nice 'product'.

I'm thinking of selling this design/ greeting card, though it'll be long over Valentine's day when people get to see this post. But I guess it's still good for any romantic occasion couples have on their own calender. Do contact me if interested!

As for the activity, well it's still somewhat in planning. A quiet and relaxing picnic will be nice. East coast park? Will iron it out by friday afternoon. You've messed up Christmas, don't let the same thing repeat itself! Roar!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

First post!

Cliche title, but that's how it goes!

Hi everyone, my name is Desmond. Thought of listing down my particulars here but I think there'll be a space in the other columns for that.

Anyway, lets talk about why I decided to make another blog. Yes, another one. The first one isn't really presentable and it's mainly filled with trash and mindless ranting, so I'll leave it out of the picture for now. So why this blog? Why create a blog near midnight with tons of project datelines creeping closer each second and with many other assignments that I can do instead? Why spend time writing something that probably no one will see? (actually thats how my first blog turned out, as I didn't publicise it much, which is normal since it's a self-ranting blog, oh whatever.)

The REASON is... ... I realise that I'm too lonely. Friends (not those hi-bye ones) made during the current University time can be counted with 2 hands. Close friends? Not really anyone.
And the reason for this sad fact is that I can't really sustain a proper conversation for any decent amount of time. I'm boring. It's a fact and I will not hide it. Somehow conversational topics don't just come to my mind as quickly as they would for other people. To make matters worse, I often stutter while talking- a bad habit that, despite strong efforts to correct, has followed me for a number of years.

So since I can't really talk very well, I thought of using this page to convey my inner thoughts to anyone interested. The fact is I really really REALLY hope to make more friends now. Seeing my ESE class and how everyone has their own clique is really something that I envy. Hopefully things will get better as time goes by.

Guess that's all for now?
Catch y'all later.

Btw, gal, if you're reading this, Hi! Love you! =)