Sunday, May 24, 2009

Me and my big mouth

Time travel would certainly be a useful supernatural power I would want to possess now.
Everytime I watch a drama showing a actor whose rash actions brought about undesirable consequences, I'll always cringe and say to myself, why is he so stupid. Use his brain la. Never thought I'll be in this smelly shoe of this character before.
Good intention doesn't always translate to good actions.
Now that my mum also knows about it, a small misunderstanding somehow got upsized, with no welcome given.
Hate to be the screw up. Just hate it.

Just suddenly remembered something. Record it before i forget.
Actually I was talking rather politely when I called him. Started to ask him some questions, then I think I blew up when I heard this:
"If you weren't her brother, I'll use the word on you too."

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