Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Exams over! So.. what next?

Gone are the exams.. Also gone are 2 years in NUS. Seriously I think my time in there is kind of like wasted. Hopefully the results this time round will be encouraging.

Ok, so what to do this looooooooonng break?

A few stuff on the itinerary (based on chronological order):

1/2.) Meet Meisan and gang for a meal,
1/2.) Mothers' Day,
3.) Gal's Bday/ Anniversary,
4.) In the mean update my resume and find a part time job,
5.) Exercise regularly,
6.) Take IPPT and get some long overdue monetary award from SAF,
7.) Update myself on magic stuff, hit the streets with Reuben and gang,
8.) Read up on CE2407.

For something nearer, what will I do tomorrow? I'll exercise in the morning, and maybe play basketball. Then I'll prepare my resume, and start sending it out. Then I'll also look out for tuition assignment. Come evening I'll leave for tuition. Should be too late to meet gal for dinner, so I said maybe another day, probably thurs or fri? =)
Will also chiong the level in restaurant city. Wahaha, gal don't scold me for overtaking you.. =P

1 comment:

  1. Wah, after you showed me your finger in the Chat, i had to smile when i read "...and going to play basket ball". Haha you shouldn't play basket ball that day! But anyway good healing!
    Greets David
