Sunday, May 10, 2009

"If at first you don't succeed, double undercut."

I love the quote in the title. Saw it in someone's signature in T11 forum. It's just so hilarious.
Went out with gal today, and had some hiccups along the way. And I'm apologising here once again gal! Sorry! Will plan things in more detail next time. =)
Went to bugis to get gal's watch and then we went to a place called Bar Bar Black Sheep. Read on about its good reviews and wanted to give it a shot. The problem was the rather ulu location and remembering the bus stop location was a bit hard to do, and also due to poor planning. So after some efforts, we found it and had some food. There were 3 types of food that one can choose to eat: Western, Thai or Indian. The western seemed to be the most popular as we had to wait for a long time before out orders are served. We had Beer battered Fish and chips and Beef Burger with fries. Both were served with salad.
Here're the photos:
Beef Burger - S$12
Fish and Chips - S$12
The portion for both dishes were humongous! We could barely finish our own plate. Eat till wana vomit. T.T
We then went to West Mall for some grocery shopping for my Mothers' Day breakfast tomorrow and then went to play in the arcade. Fun! Love you gal! =)
Ok, till now, I've managed to exercise, play bball. Dinner meeting with MS and gang is set to be at next Sunday for now. Hopefully Charmain can make it since she's the only one who haven't replied me. Next few days will continue to send out resume and search for a temp job. Argh, I want $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!! $.$

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