Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bintan + Horrible job + To dos

Long time since I updated!

First thing on the list would be Gal's bday also our 3rd anniversary! =)
For the photos of Bintan trip, go my facebook see ba.

Our bintan trip can be summed up with the following:

-one dizzy ferry journey
-one look at how caucasians can be more kiasu than singaporeans
-one long wait to get room
-one nice room with fantastic view
-one delicious pizza
-one disappointing trip to pasar oleh oleh
-one broken down shuttle bus (in the middle of NOWHERE!)
-one 'lok kok' shuttle bus to our rescue
-one expensive and forgettable dinner
-one heartwarning gesture from the hotel, also a funny yet beautiful misunderstanding
-one breathtaking view of the nightsky full of stars above, with creatures of similar beauty flying among us
-one sleep till xiang xiang night
-one apparently not wonderful night for my gal as woke her up thrice by accident, oops! =/
-one rather satisfying breakfast buffet
-one beautiful beach! (really REALLY nice!)
-one attempt to suntan
-one small rain that killed that attempt
-one swimming pool that kept us occupied during the small drizzle
-one stone that poked a hole in my foot T.T
-one not so Yummy pizza
-one nice and sweaty experience with archery
-one smoother ferry journey home
-two cup noodles
-one more look at kiasu caucasians

All in all, a great holiday!

Came back from Bintan with a very positive mindset of finding a job. End up till now also don't have a decent, long term part time job for this vacation.

Had a extremely lousy one that required me to work from 8pm - 8am. YES! Night to morning, and not the other way round. And doing what? Stocktaking. =.= The worse is meeting a certain weirdo. Haiz, how wish nv take up that job. Lucky only work for a week, if not really will mati.

Currently I have another one-day job coming up on the 16th, suay suay that certain weirdo also doing. Haiz.

Went for a few interviews, going for one more next week also. hope something come out of it. Never thought searching for a part time job can be so hard. Guess I took the Nomura experience too much for granted. Bye bye $18/hr. =(

So now while searching for job, I'm also starting to get interested in balloon twisting! Very fun once you get started. Going to crash another workshop tomorrow, as well as another magic workshop. Need to see how thy actually teach kids magic, as it's something I can't really imagine very very well. Teaching kids of e.g. primary sch age things like card magic seems a little inappropriate imo. Coz it seem a little adult, and sort of like giving them the head start in gambling. So for me, if I had a workshop teaching magic, I'll probably teach them the very basic of magic. Misdirection, coins, spongeballs to name some of them. But not teaching card magic would be hard, since that's what probably they signed up for, after seeing so much 'miracles' performed by Liu qian on Taiwanese tv. =.=

Ok, so what will I be doing for the rest of the holiday?
1.) Go swimming
2.) Go running/ exercise
3.) By doing 1 & 2, I wana get a more even tan! =D
4.) Get a job
5.) learn the roads of Singapore
6.) Think about Father's day
7.) Learn more balloon twisting, including a certain requested one. =P
8.) .. add in when I think of them.

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