Monday, June 29, 2009

Hopefully everything turn out well for my dad. The environment of his current job is getting bad recently according to him. Upper management getting lousier, manpower getting tighter. Which was why he was looking forward to this new job. I can see that he still has feelings for this current job- after all he has been working there for over a decade already. But he felt that the deteriorating working environment is too much to take, and also since the company seems to have some buyover problems, might not be a bad choice to 'jump'. Prospect of the new job looked good, but now might not be within reach given the sudden realisation of some contractual issues. Sigh. My dad's like is filled with ups and downs, why can't he have something smooth this time? God/ Guan yin/ Buddha bless him and our family.

Recently went to Pek kio market for their last CLAP! fundraising event for the needy residents there. Brought over 5 decks of cards, 2 balloon pumps, 2 bags of balloons. Ended up using only the balloon stuff. Was happy with my first experience in helping out in a booth selling balloons, but I felt that I really need to improve on my speed and control, so as to burst lesser balloons. The afternoon ended with a parent complaining abt the slow making of her bugs bunny and she being frustrated, scolded her children for doing some harmless stuff. All because I did the bunny too slowly and it was due to it keep bursting. Really sucks man.

Heard from Baofa and Veronica that Wei Lai's event still might need helper, so I decided to join them without asking WL's permission. Luckily it's a rather free and easy thing, so more helpers are always welcomed. In the end I went to jurong earlier than the required time, so I sat on the upper stairs of the area where people waited for the IMM shuttle bus, and did a 160 bunny while waiting for the Chevron shuttle bus. Was determined to make one at a faster rate, but ended up only doing a little but faster. Hope to speed up my balloon making process with more practice from now on. Balloons are running out, think need to get more soon. =/

Whatever the thing is, just hope they go shun shun..

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