Saturday, August 8, 2009

Balloons balloons..

Dunno what's wrong with blogspot, or my com. The posting page now is like plain white background, with funny layout.

Anyway, I had been pretty occupied for the past few days. First was with helping David in his decoration job, followed by a balloon scrupturing job @ Metta, and finally some pre-event training @ David's place. All were great, enriching and fun. Damn thankful and appreciative to have all these experiences.

Had recently figured out the small cube/ball that David does, the one that doesn't burst easily. Though it's a shortcut method, I like it very much. Consolation came from Gabriel who told me this,

"Balloon twisting is not about the method, but the product."

Not that the process is not important, but since there're many ways to attain a certain result, there's no need to 'die-die' go for a certain method. Hopefully I can 'find other ways of fishing' that is tailored made for myself. =)

Though managing to do the cube is something to be happy about, it soon paled in comparison among the really solid cube, the puff heart, and rose that people like Gabriel, Weilai and Baofa are doing. So these stuff would definitely be in my 'To Learn' list. Not forgetting the 2D heart, which I should aim to make it smaller.

Apart from learning these creations by other people, I also hope to find a specialty of myself soon. Something that's uniquely me. Time to let some brain juices to flow! =P

Tomorrow is my grandma's birthday, will be making some balloons for her i guess. Flowers? Most probably. =)

Ok, adios!

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