Monday, August 24, 2009

3rd week of school..

Yeah! Going into the 3rd week of school! That means tutorials will be starting, so will labs. Not exactly excited with the latter.. =/
Will be spending more time in studies from now on, which means more time in library during weekdays. As for weekends, first priority will be my dear gal =D, followed by catching up with some balloons action.
Think I'm starting to understand why balloons had such a 'pull' factor on me, as compared to doing magic. Since performing magic is something that requires more presentation and talking, I subconsciously leaned towards balloons, which don't really require a lot of those skills. As much as I would like to improve those aspects through performing magic, chances to do so aren't really what I'll call abundant. Moreover, balloon twisting has a greater appeal among children, and making them happy with my works is something that's rather satisfying.
Still looking for opportunities to make use of this skill to generate some much needed income. Will be looking forward to any chances to set up booths selling balloons during any events in school. ;) Also, the website is still in progress, and much need to be done. Hope to find time after studying to accelerate the completion of the website.
Just participate in a few balloons event recently, including a small scale scrupturing event at Metta school, balloon decoration for TWCC's BGM, and also went to Yew Tee's BGM to see see look look. Sadly I wouldn't be able to be early and help out more for the President Challenge event this coming Sat, but is excited to see how it'll be like when I head down after tuition. I'm extremely looking forward to help out Vivian Tan in her job next month though, think it'll be damn fun! Haha..
Besides studies and balloons, have to also find time to exercise and run!!!! RunNUS this coming Sunday will be a good training. =)
Thats all I guess, feeling sleepy.

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