Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Best choice is often the hardest.

Made the decision just a couple of hours ago to not go to the Holiday Inn workshop.
It was a painful decision but i think it was necessary to prevent any case of infecting other people with my illness.

"Money can always be earned some other time, but health is the most important."

I know it very well, but thinking of how the timing of this flu and how it forced me to give this event a skip is rather heart wrenching.

Things haven't been going well recently. Lost phone, though manage to find it at the end. Then this illness.. Shld go pray pray after i recover.

Feeling much better now, last temp taken was 37.3 degrees celsius, a good drop from the 39.0 degrees at 1pm.

Have to recover soon, lots of work and things to do.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hates misunderstanding

Monday, August 24, 2009

3rd week of school..

Yeah! Going into the 3rd week of school! That means tutorials will be starting, so will labs. Not exactly excited with the latter.. =/
Will be spending more time in studies from now on, which means more time in library during weekdays. As for weekends, first priority will be my dear gal =D, followed by catching up with some balloons action.
Think I'm starting to understand why balloons had such a 'pull' factor on me, as compared to doing magic. Since performing magic is something that requires more presentation and talking, I subconsciously leaned towards balloons, which don't really require a lot of those skills. As much as I would like to improve those aspects through performing magic, chances to do so aren't really what I'll call abundant. Moreover, balloon twisting has a greater appeal among children, and making them happy with my works is something that's rather satisfying.
Still looking for opportunities to make use of this skill to generate some much needed income. Will be looking forward to any chances to set up booths selling balloons during any events in school. ;) Also, the website is still in progress, and much need to be done. Hope to find time after studying to accelerate the completion of the website.
Just participate in a few balloons event recently, including a small scale scrupturing event at Metta school, balloon decoration for TWCC's BGM, and also went to Yew Tee's BGM to see see look look. Sadly I wouldn't be able to be early and help out more for the President Challenge event this coming Sat, but is excited to see how it'll be like when I head down after tuition. I'm extremely looking forward to help out Vivian Tan in her job next month though, think it'll be damn fun! Haha..
Besides studies and balloons, have to also find time to exercise and run!!!! RunNUS this coming Sunday will be a good training. =)
Thats all I guess, feeling sleepy.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Missing my gal..

3 nights down, just 1 more before i can see her again! Hurray! =D

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Balloons balloons..

Dunno what's wrong with blogspot, or my com. The posting page now is like plain white background, with funny layout.

Anyway, I had been pretty occupied for the past few days. First was with helping David in his decoration job, followed by a balloon scrupturing job @ Metta, and finally some pre-event training @ David's place. All were great, enriching and fun. Damn thankful and appreciative to have all these experiences.

Had recently figured out the small cube/ball that David does, the one that doesn't burst easily. Though it's a shortcut method, I like it very much. Consolation came from Gabriel who told me this,

"Balloon twisting is not about the method, but the product."

Not that the process is not important, but since there're many ways to attain a certain result, there's no need to 'die-die' go for a certain method. Hopefully I can 'find other ways of fishing' that is tailored made for myself. =)

Though managing to do the cube is something to be happy about, it soon paled in comparison among the really solid cube, the puff heart, and rose that people like Gabriel, Weilai and Baofa are doing. So these stuff would definitely be in my 'To Learn' list. Not forgetting the 2D heart, which I should aim to make it smaller.

Apart from learning these creations by other people, I also hope to find a specialty of myself soon. Something that's uniquely me. Time to let some brain juices to flow! =P

Tomorrow is my grandma's birthday, will be making some balloons for her i guess. Flowers? Most probably. =)

Ok, adios!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Joel's Ex-sch Founder's Day Event.

Yesterday I went to an event of making table centrepieces, together with joel. It was his former school's Founder day, and they were celebrating it with a dinner in their hall.

So we met up the day before to buy the necessary balloons at the Balloon Baron. Got our stuff, of course after nearly a halfday 'workshop' under David, haha. Joel initial plan was to do a Bear with flowers for and '6 flower' flower bundles. I had the impression that it should be quite easy to complete the models, as i only pictured us making just 35 tables of stuff, moreover we had almost the entire day to do them. It took the actual doing of the balloons to knock some reality into me.

The next day, joel was there at his church before me, and had already done quite some geoblossoms for the bases. After doing some, I realised that making these stuff wasn't easy at all! Got ourselves very wet due to them constantly exploding. Bad quality huh, David. (I think he wouldn't deny that since those geos were qualatex balloons, and he already hates them so much.. =/) Ok, then the making of flowers. I actually thought we'll be making not much of those, but ended up having to do almost 200 of them, or at least we tried to. We ended up doing 2 laundry baskets full of flowers, and had to stop due to time constraints. Making the bears were quite successful though, although we didn't make a lot of them as they required more time to do. The bears were a better looking one as compared to the simple bear.

Assemble part of the process were quite tedious as well. Connecting the flowers to their stems, tying them together, trimming the length, and combining it with the geo bases, all these were little little things that took up so much of our time when done in bulk! Worst thing was that the balloons were constantly bursting, i suspect due to the hot temperature. It was till the final hours of the evening when things got clear that what we'd done wasn't enough. So joel thought of the idea of using the table number stand to do a simple 'flowers on vines' presentation, which i think was the best of the situation. Great thinking man. =)

So luckily, all the table were ready with at least a certain balloon scrupture on them before the dinner began.

I think this event provided me a great experience, and gave me an idea of how important it is to plan carefully. I think we made the mistake of underestimating the amount of time required to do the scruptures, esp the flower bundle. The distribution of the scruptures among the tables were rather messy too, due to the inability to make enough identical scruptures for all the tables.
Because of all this inperfections, I had a great time an learnt a lot. =)
Some of the photos are can found here:

That's all for now! Time to rest my poor fingers.. or not! =P

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Not So Fast!

Happening now? When i'm still so young? I won't let hereditary issues win! I'll make sure won't have the same problems as my dad. ROAR!