Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Best choice is often the hardest.

Made the decision just a couple of hours ago to not go to the Holiday Inn workshop.
It was a painful decision but i think it was necessary to prevent any case of infecting other people with my illness.

"Money can always be earned some other time, but health is the most important."

I know it very well, but thinking of how the timing of this flu and how it forced me to give this event a skip is rather heart wrenching.

Things haven't been going well recently. Lost phone, though manage to find it at the end. Then this illness.. Shld go pray pray after i recover.

Feeling much better now, last temp taken was 37.3 degrees celsius, a good drop from the 39.0 degrees at 1pm.

Have to recover soon, lots of work and things to do.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hates misunderstanding